Green Housing For Your Best Life

Green Housing For Your Best Life

With all the talk of going green, it should come as no surprise that there are movements being made towards green housing with every passing day. This way of living sustains our resources and actually has immense benefits for the family who lives green to the fullest extent that they can.

So what exactly is green housing? For the most part, anytime you have heard the term greenhouse has been in conversations about gardening. But today, green housing is not about plants but about the home you live in throughout your life. Living in a home that has been built with sustainable building materials is one way to know you are making a smaller footprint on the earth. Sure, it is a big step and a lifelong decision; but when you are fully committed to making this change in your life, you are on your way to an abundantly healthy life.

Sustainable building materials are those that are composed of renewable, rather than nonrenewable resources. This could be certified wood that has been harvested from sustainably managed sources. This type of material would preferably have an independent certification. Further, green housing materials could be products that have been manufactured with resource-efficient processes including reducing energy consumption, minimizing waste (recycled, recyclable and/or source reduced product packaging), and reducing greenhouse gases.

While the materials used are a large part of the total package of going green; the design of the home also comes into play. One form of green home is the roundhome. The reason for this is that a roundhome clearly uses fewer materials for construction because of the shape of the walls. In a roundhome, there is less square footage in terms of exterior walls. The reason why round homes are so popular is sheer design. For people who are into a green lifestyle, letting nature into their dwelling through the use of ample windows and wood elements is a little slice of heaven. In a roundhome, light streams in through windows, and many homeowners choose gorgeous wood ceilings to show off their natural lifestyle.

Living in a green home, a family is treated to a natural sense of well-being. The benefits of a green home go further than beauty and even further than the eco-friendly aspect. Studies have shown that healthy air, natural light and views to the outdoors actually improve an individual’s productivity. By building a green home, especially a light-filled roundhome, you set yourself up for promoted health as well as economic prosperity.

There are plenty of ways that you can begin a green lifestyle. However, when you reach the point where the little steps just don’t seem to fill the need you have inside of you; green housing may be the next logical step to take. Round home designs are easy to come by, and are even available as ultra-affordable prefabricated homes. There is no limit to the ways you can make a positive impact on your own life and on the world you live in.

For more tips and information about roundhome, please visit green housin.

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Why Green Housing Is Needed

Why Green Housing Is Needed

When you think of living green, you may consider the major impact on the environment made by our gas guzzling SUVs and sports cars. However, did you know that the majority of the issue with our environment comes from our houses and offices?

According to the McKinsey report, “Curbing Global Energy Demand: The Energy Productivity Opportunity”, our homes are the consumers of up 25 percent of the world’s energy and are therefore responsible for 19 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. Keeping in mind that this number relates only to the homes we live in; not the massive office buildings that line city streets, the number is alarming as it stands. With these numbers of energy consumption, you can see why green housing is an idea whose time has come.

The reason we use so much energy inside of the home is widely because of all of our ‘necessary’ appliances. It is the rare home where you may not find a television or a computer, and very few homes are without the all essential microwave. But the biggest issue inside of the home is the heating and cooling that is needed. In fact, it is our heating and cooling systems that utilize up to sixty percent of our energy resources at home. Green housing does not necessarily cut the need for heating and cooling, but certain aspects of the green housing idea do cut back on the reliance of energy sapping systems.

To make a difference in your world is to be a part of the solution and not a part of the problem. Green housing is becoming increasingly popular because more and more people want to help solve the problems that have come with the advances in society. To live green doesn’t necessarily mean that you must go all solar panels and cut out the use of all appliances; but there are significant changes that you can make to help cut down on energy consumption.

Just what is green housing all about? Let’s take a look. Green housing can be comprised of a compilation of different aspects pertaining to building a home. Many families are opting to build homes using certified wood that has been harvested from sustainably managed sources. Green housing materials could also be products that have been manufactured with resource-efficient processes such as reduced energy consumption, minimized waste (recycled, recyclable and/or source reduced product packaging), and reduction of greenhouse gases.

The need for green housing and green building materials is clear. The availability of this sort of living may not be accessible to everyone at this point in time; but those who have begun to pave the way for better buildings have created an easier path for future improvements to the way we build and the way we impact the earth.

Until you can develop your own plan for a home constructed to utilize less energy, such as a round house, you can make small changes in the home you currently live in. Any move towards energy efficiency is a good one, even if it is one small step. One small step leads to many.

For more tips and information about green housin, please visit green housin.

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Factors to Consider When Drawing Green House Plans

Factors to Consider When Drawing Green House Plans

Having good green house plans is the first step you need to take when you want to come up with a green house. There are many ways through which you can come up with a green house. A good green house plan should be able to cater for your budget. When you want to build a green house, there are a number of things to keep in mind so that you can come up with a perfect green house. These are the factors that will help you build your own greenhouse at a cheap price.

It is good to consider labor and budget you need to come up with a greenhouse. When you are planning on labor, it is good to utilize personal labor. This will include using your family members. When you use the family members to offer labor, you are likely to reduce the expenses. When it comes to deciding if you will use family members to provide labor, it is good to know their availability.

You can reduce on the budget of building a greenhouse if you use your family as a source of labor. It is however recommended that you hire an expert to assist you. You should look for someone who has done this job in the past. This is the one you will be sure has enough experience to build a greenhouse.

Another factor to keep in mind when you want to build a greenhouse is the material cost. The cost of the material is determined by the kind of material used. It is good to take into consideration the kind of shed you want. You can also use some old material to make entrances. This will be a good way of saving on money which will have otherwise been used to buy materials. You can buy greenhouse material in your local stores or online. There are a number of companies that sell these materials. To buy quality but cheap material, you will need to take your time so that you get a cheap dealer.

Good greenhouse plans should give a provision of using recycled materials. When you make use of greenhouse plans you will be guided on how you can use old material to build your greenhouse. This will be a good way of saving the expenses. It is good to stick to your plan in order to successfully finish your project of building a greenhouse.

To learn building a greenhouse of your own, click here to find out more on the available green house plans.

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