Green house?

ok my husband built me a green house for a gift and I have always wanted one we live in california how hard are they to start up and what do I need

Best Answer – Chosen by Voters

We have a small greenhouse business just going into our second year. We’ve found that the most important thing you can have is patience. That aside, you’ll need a way to heat and a way to cool. If you aren’t heating it up your cooling it off. Secondly, available water, critical. Fertilizer, liquid based, learn what needs it and what doesn’t. Watch out for mold or damp off. Don’t water on cloudy days, big mistake made by newbies. Keep a thermometer inside and outside. Don’t be afraid to discourage rodents. If you get soil gnats check with your local professionals on methods to erradicate. Most of all, have fun!!!!!! Enjoy!

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