How To Build A Green House

What are green houses
Building green houses is the ultimate way to the future. As everyone in the world are worried about the environment, the National Association of Home Builders and the International Code Council has developed the National Green Building Strategy , which will control the problem of each individual who are taking part in the building process.It mainly focuses on construction, including the design, materials and operation of the home, focus on energy and water efficiency.

The main components of a Green Home
There are some of the energy-efficient features of a green hose are appliances, windows and heating systems with proper Energy Star ratings, which will consume less energy for that photovoltaic electricity and water heating systems are installed in it.For conserving water, the green house uses low-flow shower head, faucets and toilets. If sprinkler systems are also needed, then programmable low-volume systems are the best option.Other functions may also include collecting rainwater and hot water recirculation systems.The placement and design should use the natural daylight that will reduce the needs of electric lighting. Materials should be reusable resources such as bamboo, carpet and tile that use recycled contents.

Another important feature is the heat and air conditioning system. It should be carefully designed to properly ventilate the home. Fans should bring fresh air in and take the stale air out.
Paint and wallpaper used in the house should be low VOC. Even the landscaping is important to a green house. While building, special care should be taken to protect as many trees and plants as possible from our surroundings . The planted landscaping should be properly arranged so that plants requiring significant water are in the same area.For more features one can visit our site and

Rajendar Bairi is a Mumbai based writer. He is associated with idream and lightgreen

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