How do I get rid of Mold in my mini green house?

Question by oreobabylove: How do I get rid of Mold in my mini green house?
I have created a very small artificially lit green house in my closet. It is made with miracle grow moisture control soil and a florescent plant light fixture. This is my first time trying something like this. I was amazed that my tomato seedlings are sprouting about an inch high after just two weeks. So far nothing on the onion, pepper, cilantro or parsley seeds, But I am also seeing a quickly spreading white mold of some sort that looks kind of like soft fur. Is this going to affect the edibility of my plants? How do I get rid of it? Please help!

Best answer:

Answer by mynameisjonas
Mold can be tricky to get rid of. You can use a heavily diluted bleach spray around the plants. If you have a little extra cash head down to your local garden supply store as they will have commercial products for mold.

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