Green house?

ok my husband built me a green house for a gift and I have always wanted one we live in california how hard are they to start up and what do I need

Best Answer – Chosen by Voters

We have a small greenhouse business just going into our second year. We’ve found that the most important thing you can have is patience. That aside, you’ll need a way to heat and a way to cool. If you aren’t heating it up your cooling it off. Secondly, available water, critical. Fertilizer, liquid based, learn what needs it and what doesn’t. Watch out for mold or damp off. Don’t water on cloudy days, big mistake made by newbies. Keep a thermometer inside and outside. Don’t be afraid to discourage rodents. If you get soil gnats check with your local professionals on methods to erradicate. Most of all, have fun!!!!!! Enjoy!

What are green houses? Is it good to design a green house or eco-friendly houses in tropical climate?

What i would like to know is the feasibility of a two storeyed green house, and if possible give suitable recommendations for the typical materials also.

Other Answers
A greenhouse is a glass or fibreglass covered frame often with heating, to give plants an opportunity to grow in climates that are too cold to be grown outside, or to extend the season for summer plants that need more time than just summer and are frost sensitive.In recent times greenhouse structures have been employed to confine CO2 close to plants to force the plants to convert CO2, water and sunlight to form sugars.

Greenhouses are not typically chosen to live in, and particularly not in hot climates.

Greenhouse effect of course does not need a greenhouse. It is the effect of gases that, like glass of a greenhouse, traps heat of the sun to raise atmospheric temperatures.

I do live in a house that is partially a greenhouse, so that the sun does heat our building. It heats it to a level of discomfort even in dead of winter, forcing us to ventilate when we get temperatures above 32C. I say it is partially a greenhouse, because it does not expose the north side to the sun. That means that plants grow moderately well, but require auxiliary lighting during prolonged heavy clouds.

There is a book called ‘Solar Greenhouses’ that gives extensive guidance, but ours is classified as a passive solar heated house, rather than a greenhouse. The problems of trying to live in a true greenhouse are formidable.