ive got a green mini house is it safe to put my growing vegetable plants in them if its really windy outside?

Question by : ive got a green mini house is it safe to put my growing vegetable plants in them if its really windy outside?

Best answer:

Answer by Mom of 2 great boys
If it is really windy……….no, I wouldn’t do it unless you have it on the ground somewhere and up against something so that it doesn’t tip over.


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Will we really tax the farming industry for green house gas?

Question by Berry X: Will we really tax the farming industry for green house gas?
A study showed cattle produced methane as the number 1 cause of green house gas causing global warming, and as a result the Obama transition is planning a tax on farm green house gas.
This is not a joke!

Best answer:

Answer by Don’t Call Me Peanut
a tax? they must be joking. They should just stop subsidizing them

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