What can I do in this situation?

Question by : What can I do in this situation?
I started a bunch of seeds just to make sure the company I got them from gave out good seeds, as I plan to make a lot of plantings this year.

So I started some,and now they’re all mini plants. I’m thinking about keeping them going until spring, but I’ll probably have to keep trimming them. I was also considering donating them to the local green house/nursery up the road.

I also started some seeds, kinda of early, but I think they’ll be ok for another month or so.

But now that it’s mid january what seeds can I start? For zone 7?

I already have beets, and spinach, and artichokes, and some winter hardy herbs started….

Best answer:

Answer by Kaviani999
Unless you plan on planting within a month, you should not start seeds yet. You’re effectively wasting them…if the plants start trying to flower, it’s best to toss them and start over.

Beets may actually grow now, but they would need some help and protection getting started. They are a traditionally winter crop in warmer areas that are planted in early fall.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

One thought on “What can I do in this situation?

  • May 13, 2012 at 3:58 pm

    Just keep them in pots and indoors in bright light until the weather is warm enough to plant them outside. Check the directions on seed package or more information.


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