Building a green house, what kind of cover do I use?

Question by : Building a green house, what kind of cover do I use?
My brother and I are building a greenhouse to expand my son’s gardening project. He suggested using Visqueen. I was wondering if thats a good idea or should I use something else? We live in the Arctic, if that’s a determining factor. Summers can go from -10 to 60 above Fahrenheit.

Best answer:

Answer by Dowlinggram
Visqueen is ok as long as you get the greenhouse film. Plastic is not as good at heat retention as a solid material like polycarbonate but it is much cheaper and easier to install. Be sure you make it air tight and have vents to let out excess heat when you need to. I know in my greenhouse it can be 80F when it’s -2 outside as long as the sun is shining. With plastic that is easy to do because you can just open the entrance. Use clothes pins to secure it.

Then you have to have a source of heat for when it’s really cold and the sun’s not shining or at night. There are some good ideas for this on line if you want to look them up.

If you haven’t started building you might also look into hoop houses on line too

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