I want to make a green house…what should i use?

Question by Neville rox my Gryffindor sox!: I want to make a green house…what should i use?
wood or metal? i know i need plastic but should it be corigated or flimsy? wat density shade cloth do i need? how do i actully go about making one…i want it to be 2 by 2 by 2…or 2 m cube…wateva u call it…

Best answer:

Answer by geoff28791
I’ve got a bunch of old windows you could use.

What do you think? Answer below!

In 2012 when the Democrats retake the House, should we tax the rich?

Question by : In 2012 when the Democrats retake the House, should we tax the rich?
We Say Enough is Enough!
End the Bush-era tax giveaways to banks, corporations and wealthy individuals.
Close corporate tax loopholes, especially billions in tax subsidies for the oil companies.
Raise new revenues by restoring 70% tax rate on incomes over $ 1 million.
Raise $ 150 billion a year by imposing a financial transaction tax on Wall Street speculation.
Cut the military budget by half. Bring troops home from Afghanistan and Iraq.
Create jobs in a major public works program to repair our nation’s infrastructure and to make our nation number one in “green industry.” Target the jobs to hard-hit inner city communities and the rural poor.
Fully fund a national health care program and drastically increase federal aid to education, Pell Grants, and other vital human needs programs.
Remove the cap on the Social Security payroll tax, so that CEOs and hedge fund managers pay the same rate as the rest of us.


We got it in Spanish too. You’ll find the link at the bottom of the page.

Best answer:

Answer by Ms Boss
lol you’re funny.. There has only been three or four times in the history of America where the House has changed from a Republican majority to a Democrat majority….. it coincidentally seems to happen when the generation dies out, the generation that remembers what happens when democrats are in charge…

What do you think? Answer below!

is there a particular type of plastic i should look for to build a cheap green house?

Question by xxxip: is there a particular type of plastic i should look for to build a cheap green house?
just wondering if i should use a certain type or grade? thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by Isadora
Get clear plastic, 6 mil at a builder’s supply. It costs about $ 30. a hundred foot roll and will be enough to cover a small greenhouse with a double thickness that will last a couple of years. It is what I use on mine.

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