Q&A: going green and building a tiny house?

Question by Mark L: going green and building a tiny house?
I am interested in going as green as possible and building a house similar to the Tumbleweed Tiny Houses. I don’t want to buy their set of plans when I want to make my own design. Are there any good websites, books etc on easy portable architecture? I’m really just interested in the materials I’ll need and what-not, so it doesn’t fall down.

I’ve never done construction by my grandfather was a master woodworker and architect, any I am pretty good at building things, it’s in my blood.

So, where do I start?


Best answer:

Answer by thor
Never heard of those houses, but start by going to Lowes or Home Depot and looking at their small sheds. I’ve thought many times how easy it would be to transform one into a house.

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